Food and Fruits in Kashgar

  Kashgar delicious food and fruits are not only a Town of Music and Dance, Town of Fruits and Melons ", but also a place with distinctive local flavors. Under the double influences of Continental climate and Islamic culture. Mutton is the main meat, of which roast meat is the most attractive food among the local delicacies.

Different ethnic groups in Xinjiang have different cooking and eating styles. According to the local survey the largest population in Kashgar (more than 90 percent), Uygur food dominates the city. The food is characterized by mutton, beef, chicken, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, onions and other dairy foods. Many Uygur dishes are influenced by other ethnic groups in both Xinjiang and central Asia, and popular local dishes are welcomed by both local residents and travelers.

  Roasted lamb: The barbecued (or roasted) whole lamb is the "king" of Xinjiang cuisine and the highlight of dinner. The extremely delicious and fragrant barbecued whole lamb, with crisp skin and soft meat, is golden and bright in color.

  Shish Kebob: The sliced mutton is roasted above a grilling with refined salt, chili powder, and ziyadan. The cook will turn the skewers continuously in a few minutes, the delicious meat is ready.kashgar polo.jpg

  Flour-Filled Lungs and Rice-Filled Sausages: These are traditional snacks of the Uyghurs, using sheep's internal organs as raw materials. Since the materials are uncommon and the cooking is time-consuming, this dish is a rare delicacy and seldom seen in hotels.

  Polo: One of the local flavors of the Uyghurs, Uzbeks, etc. With which to entertain their guests. On festive occasions or at the wedding breakfast, polo is indispensable for serving to the guests.

  Nang: Nang is the most popular and staple food for the Uyghurs, Kazaks, and Tajiks. For an ordinary family, baking nangs is an indispensable job of life.

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   Moreover, oily pyramids, thin-wrapper steamed stuffed bun ( Pitimantuo in Uyghur ) and Ququ ( boiled dumplings ) are favorites of the Uyghurs. During Corban and Fast-breaking Festivals, every Uyghur family makes sanzi to treat guests. Also, some rare fruits, which can not be seen in other places, are available in Kashgar.

  Grape and melon are the best of the best. There are more than 50 varieties of grapes with different tastes. The grape season comes in August and September. Fresh grapes are dried or canned. The local fruit farmers invented a special way to preserve fresh grapes for winter. Therefore fresh grapes are throughout the whole year.

  Pomegranates and figs are special local fruits in Kashgar. Pomegranates are sweet and nutritious. It was reported that the seed was brought by Zhang Qian who was sent to the Western Region by Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty. Xinjiang aboundeds pomegranate, of which products from Yecheng and Shule Counties have honored the best quality. Figs are thin-skinned, sweet and tasty and have high medical value. Besides, their large leaves are smooth and the crown is neat and graceful. So they are often used to decorate the rooms or planted in the garden or made into bonsai

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  Apricots, flat peaches, and mulberry have gained fame far and wide. The apricots from Yengisar and Yecheng have the best quality. Except for the juicy and refreshing apricots, there are dried apricots. The flat Peaches are the most unique of the peach varieties. They have the same leaves and flowers as ordinary peaches but different in shape and flavor.

 Kashgar is a big family that welcomes everyone. In the restaurants and luncheonettes, delicious Kashgar food is served and local residents, both Uygur and Han, sit together to enjoy the food table by table. Food is not only a business card for Kashgar to show its hospitality and diversity to visitors, but also ties of friendship and brotherhood connecting different ethnic groups in the city. It has a long history of growing mulberry. They have gained a reputation as "Primula Malacoides". There are white and black mulberries and they can be eaten as a sweet fruit or used as medicine. Moreover, locals also use mulberry to make mulberry syrup, jams or wine

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